Random and Spiritual visits to Art - From Classical to Postmodern
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Today I took a portion of an image from an older oil painting illustrated in this blog and with some digital alterations and text ( Words of Buddha that I found on Facebook) produced this poster that I shared on twitter
Light and Dark - Digital art by Ashok Malhotra Consciousness observing the mind generates love and hatred, joy and sorrow. The human mind plays with opposites of heat and cold, dark and light, lies and truth. The underlying consciousness is a manifestation of what is called dark matter by scientists in living beings, just as gravity is one of its manifestations in inanimate matter. It is the source of feelings and emotions that arise from the consciousness. Fire cannot burn it nor can water make it wet. It is beyond the physical laws because it is a source of them. Focused on an individual life form, it is what sages call a soul. It is but a part of the sea of dark matter that pervades the created universe and is a source of it all. It has been termed as dark matter by scientists but a more correct terminology is eternal matter because it existed before the created universe came into being and will continue to exist even after the created universe dissolves in it fo...
An old tree and a younger one, oil on canvas by Ashok M. M any wonder at the huge price of works of arts like some oil paintings on Canvas that are auctioned by leading auction houses from time to time while they find other works of art in a flee market going for a few dollars, some that seem just as nice or nicer. How is the value of a work of art fixed? An answer to this can be found if we go back to the beginnings of human civilization. At first, humans traded goods in kind, for example a sack of grains for an animal skin. In time however humans invented coins and currency that were easier to carry to the market. A sack of gain was considered equivalent to a certain number of coins as was an animal skin. Thus based on the demand and supply of goods, monetary values were determined for all the things humans need. The invention of money also permitted humans to accumulate and store wealth in a compact manner. In time similar values became associated with preciou...
Two Together - Color Sketch on paper by Ashok, 1991 If either falls, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Eccelestiastes 4:10 Yet one who loves God, walks in the company of angels In 1991 I visited a friend in Egypt. His village in the Beni Suef province is situated on the banks of a branch of the Nile River. On my return with thoughts of the Nile, I made some sketches with colored pens on paper. Most have been lost now but this one remains. On the lower right corner my name Ashok is signed in Arabic of which I have a rudimentary knowledge from my stints in the Middle East. File photo of me and Mehmood Mohmed Mohamed from September 1991 on a visit to his village Manhara in Egypt. Also in photo is his son Hanafi
Buddha by Ashok Today is Buddha Purnima, the annual celebration day of Buddha. he advocated non-violence with love and compassion for all life. This image is a digital art rendering of Buddha based on a photo of a brass statue of Buddha in the author's home. A magical thing happened during the creation, I had signed my name in white but it changed to silver, I believe by the grace of Buddha. Praise the Lord of Love and Compassion - Gautam Buddha. .Please feel free to copy this image and use anywhere you like as long as you give this link, but please do not modify it any way. Love and peace to all visitors to this blog.
Dark Clouds of Armageddon, Oil on Canvas by Ashok M. W hen a work of art remains in a single hand, that of the artist and creator, he may leave it unnamed, name it and change the name if he so desires. Once it is sold, he no longer has a right on it and it is not appropriate to do so. Personally, I have been a scientist and academic and painted of and on over the last several years when time and inclination permitted. Many of the works were destroyed later in the belief that an oil and canvas has a very long life and I would not like to leave for the world something that is not the best. Not having to depend on art for a living, I have also not sold my paintings. Some have been gifted and others (about half a dozen) remain in my possession and adorn the walls of my home. At times I use a picture as illustration for a note or an article. Today morning, I added one to an article ( here ) about a possible apocalypse the world might be headed for. It was earlier been named ...
The oil paintings shown in this blog are still in my possession. I photographed them at home with a digital camera that I purchased from a shop called Dayal Radio in Nainital a few years ago. It is a really old shop from which my dad had purchased a radio decades ago. Now it sells other goods such as cameras. I am not much of a photographer but the Himalayan scenery in and around Nainital is so beautiful that I just had to capture some. The camera has been great for photographing scenery and people. Some of the photographs are in my other blogs. However the problem with trying to photograph an oil painting is that the colors and picture does not come out exactly like the original. It is influenced by lighting, angle etc. and it does not help if one is an amateur photographer like me.After one has snapped the photo with some of the wall too one can crop it with digital programs to remove as much of the wall and/or frame that one wishes to. The problem did not end here because the...
Dark Clouds over Syria , Oil on Canvas (2012) by Ashok Malhotra Usually my mind is focused on happy thoughts when I play with forms and colors on a canvas. However, this one is an exception. It was created when thoughts were focused on the tragedy that is unfolding in Syria - violence and destruction. Can the crisis in Syria be solved? For sure it can. An easy solution is here: http://ashokmalhotra.wordpress.com/2013/08/22/need-for-a-new-international-law-to-save-humans-syria/ Why is the solution not being implemented? Perhaps the world wants to sell more guns for profit How many more guns must be sold, how much more blood must flow before peace comes to the people of Syria and refugees including sweet children, just as sweet as yours or mine can return home? Update 2016: The war in Syria has gone on even more than four years after this note. This painting still remains in my possession and now I prefer to call it Dark Clouds of Armageddon. The red color ...
EYE OF THE UNIVERSE Right now I am preparing a note about God for my new blog devoted exclusively to spirituality and considered adding an image at https://ashokbabaji.blogspot.in/ For that I took a NASA image in the public domain and made digital alterations to it to make it more suitable for the article. The result was quite nice and perhaps good enough to share in this blog on art as an example of digital art. While preparing a physical work of art such as an oil on canvas takes a lot of time, digital art can be produced rather quickly with modern tools and software. The image can be used as an aid in meditation on God as our Universal Father and Mother, not as that belonging to any one religion.