An Old Tree and a Younger One

An Old Tree and a Younger one

Oil on Canvas by Ashok Malhotra
Approximate size: 21" x 30": Date Completed: February 15, 2012

Any person interested in copying this work for any purpose including a commercial one may do so freely provided he/she gives credit by quoting the title and artist as printed in bold under the image as well as the source i.e the url of this blog.


ProfAshok said…
I began this work in 2007 but due to other pursuits had to leave it unfinished. Recently I pulled out this canvas from storgae and added the rest. The finishing strokes are still wet.
ProfAshok said…
Rebb commented on this painting in my other blog ( on writing. Some of that comment is,

"For me, this painting evokes peace--a theme that is consistant in your writing. My mind didnt fill in trees, rather it saw a beautiful dove. The colors make me feel calm and that I am entering a spiritual landscape.

I co-created a painting with a long ago friend and your painting evokes a similar feeling and place as the one I'm thinking of. I had forgotten about it, so thank you to you and your artwork for moving my memory.

Amazing that you pulled the unfinished canvas out and finished so many years later. Thats great."

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